Pike Road Natural Trail
Connecting Neighbors
In addition to offering residents a safe, convenient place to exercise and experience the beautiful natural surroundings of the area, the Pike Road Natural Trail System is the network that will connect the town’s neighborhoods and future recreational sites. Funded by a Transportation Enhancement Grant from the Federal Highway Administration, the first phase of the trail system is designed to accommodate walkers, runners, equestrian activities, and off-road bicyclists.
The trail system is being constructed in phases and will include strategically located “trailheads” with parking areas. Phase I of the Pike Road Natural Trail runs alongside Meriwether Road between U.S. Highway 231 and Pike Road, with a trailhead at each end.
Trailhead 1 of the Pike Road Natural Trail is located on the southern side of Meriwether Road, between Barnes Road and U.S. Highway 231. It includes parking, a covered picnic pavilion with charcoal grill, tables and lighting, and a restroom facility. The trailhead facility is ADA accessible.
Trailhead 2 is located at Veterans Park, near the Old Town Hall site at the corner of Meriwether and Pike Roads. A restroom facility and parking are available, as well as access to the mural wall, community ball field, Pike Road Veterans Memorial and Pavilion, and public playground.
Another branch of the Natural Trail runs alongside Marler Road, and Phase III is under construction along Wallahatchie Road, which winds past neighborhoods, pastures, and the Pike Road Arts Center, connecting on either end with Vaughn and Pike Roads.