Frequently Asked Questions
Recycling Depot has Reopened!
(Updated November 8, 2024)
The Town of Pike Road Recycling Depot has returned to normal operating procedures. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!
Questions? Please call Pike Road Town Hall at (334) 272-9883.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who provides electricity in the Town of Pike Road?Depending on your address, electricity will be provided by one of the following service partners: - Alabama Power Company: (800) 245-2244 // www.alabamapower.com - Dixie Electric Cooperative: (334) 288-1163 // www.dixie.coop
Who provides water services in the Town of Pike Road?Montgomery Water Works: (334) 206-1600 // www.mwwssb.com
Who provides sewer services in the Town of Pike Road?Depending on your address, sewer services will be provided by one of the following service partners: - Adenus: 888-423-3687 // www.adenus.com - Montgomery Water Works: (334) 206-1600 // www.mwwssb.com
Who provides natural gas in the Town of Pike Road?Depending on your address, natural gas will be provided by one of the following service partners: - Spire Energy: (800) 292-4008 // www.spireenergy.com - Southeast Gas: (800) 660-8683 // southeastgas.com
Who provides sanitation services in the Town of Pike Road?AmWaste: (334) 625-1700 // customercare@amwasteusa.com
Who provides entertainment & communications services in the Town of Pike Road?Depending on your address, entertainment & communications services will be provided by one of the following service partners: - AT&T: 844-723-0252 // www.att.com/local/internet/alabama/pike-road - Charter: 1-833-780-1880 // www.spectrum.com/services/alabama/pike-road - Troy Cable: 1-800-735-9546 // www.troycable.net - WOW: 1-855-496-9929 // www.wowway.com
Who should I call in case of an emergency in Pike Road?Pike Road police protection is provided by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office. In case of emergency, the Sheriff’s Office can be reached by dialing 911. For non-emergency situations, call (334) 832-4980. Pike Road enjoys great fire and accident protection provided by the Pike Road, Rolling Hills Lakes and Waugh/Mt.Meigs departments. In case of emergency, the fire stations can be reached by dialing 911. Non-emergency numbers are as follows: Pike Road VFD: (334) 271-1048 Rolling Hills Lakes VFD: (334) 288-7344 Waugh / Mt Meigs VFD: (334) 215-1122
Who manages animal control issues in the Town of Pike Road?Montgomery Humane Society: (334) 409-0622, ext. 208 // www.montgomeryhumane.com
How can I recycle in Pike Road?Recycling is available in the Town of Pike Road through a grant from the Alabama Recycling Fund and the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. We encourage all interested residents to utilize the recycling receptacles located at 450 Pike Road, which are open for use during the following hours: - Opens Tuesdays at 8 a.m. and remains open 24 hours/day until closing at 5 p.m. on Thursday. Acceptable Items include: - Plastics #1 & #2 - Paper - Aluminum - Cardboard These items can be placed in any of the recycling receptacles. It is not necessary to separate your recyclables. To help the Town to continue this service, please refrain from placing garbage in the receptacles, and do not leave any waste on the ground around the receptacles. Please be sure to break down any large cardboard or plastic items before discarding.
How do I dispose of large trash or debris items?The Montgomery County Commission and AmWaste offer free trash drop-off sites throughout the county on the last Saturday of each month. In the Pike Road area, drop-off locations are: Pike Road High School, the Georgia Washington Campus, and the County Lot Office, across from the Feed Lot on Meriwether Road (near the intersection of Meriwether and Pike Roads). For details regarding acceptable and unacceptable drop-off items, contact the Montgomery County Commission Offices at 334-832-1210.
Where is the local library?The Pike Road Branch Library is located in the Pike Road Station complex near the corner of Vaughn and Pike Roads. Learn about the Library and their variety of educational programming by visiting the Pike Road Branch Library on Facebook: facebook.com/PikeRoadBranchLibrary The hours for the library are as follows: - Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Closed for lunch noon - 1:00 p.m.) - Saturday: 9:00 a. m. - 1:00 p.m. For more information, contact the library at (334) 244-8679.
Where is the Pike Road post office?The Pike Road Post Office is located on Pike Road just north of the Vaughn Road intersection. The direct phone number for the Pike Road Post office is (334) 215-0098. The Post Office is open: - Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 11:00am, 12:30pm - 4:00pm - Saturday: 8:00am - 10:00am For information regarding your mail, contact the USPS by calling (800) 275-8777 (ASK-USPS).
How do I register to vote or find my polling place in the Town of Pike Road?Voter registration is handled by the Montgomery County Board of Registrars, located at 100 S. Lawrence St. in Montgomery. Contact their office by calling (334) 832-1215. You can also visit the Secretary of State's website for voter information: www.alabamavotes.gov
How can I be sure my home is zoned for the Pike Road school system?Call Pike Road Town Hall at (334) 272-9883.
What is the sales tax in the Town of Pike Pike Road?The total sales tax in Pike Road is 8.75%, which is a combination of county and state taxes (6.5%) and local sales tax (2.25%).
How can I request public records?Visit our Contact Us page and click the Request Public Records button to access the Public Records Request form. You can also request public records by visiting Town Hall, 9575 Vaughn Rd.
Public Services
The Town of Pike Road is pleased to provide the citizens with the best possible services:
Power - Within the expansive geographic territory of the Town of Pike Road, power is available through two partner service providers: Alabama Power and Dixie Electric. The town works closely with each partner provider to ensure efficiency and satisfactory service to our residents.
Natural Gas - Like our power providers, there are also two gas providers that service the Town of Pike Road: Spire Energy (formerly Alagasco) and Southeast Gas. Each partner gas provider works closely with the town to maximize efficiency and provide quality service to residents.
Water - Water is available throughout Pike Road through the Montgomery Water Works and Sewer Board, a private provider with lines in the township.
Sewer - Sewer services are provided by the Montgomery Water Works and Sewer Board and Adenus. Other providers may attempt to enter the Town of Pike Road, as there is ample opportunity for expansion. The current structure for expansion is based on the user covering the cost for the expansion of service.
Fire Department/EMA - The Town of Pike Road is pleased to be able to support three well-prepared and fully-equipped fire departments. These three volunteer fire departments are well-trained and equipped with the most current tools and technology. Each department maintains a competitive ISO safety rating, reducing residents’ insurance costs. Moreover, the Town is served by a 24-hour emergency medical response including ambulance service. The Town of Pike Road provides 5 mills of property tax to support fire and rescue efforts in our community. The three volunteer fire departments that service the Town of Pike Road are: Pike Road Volunteer Fire Department, Rolling Hills Lakes Volunteer Fire Department and Waugh/Mt. Meigs Fire Department.
Road Maintenance - As the Town of Pike Road continues to grow, the need to service the roads that connect our community also grows. This task falls on state, county and municipal providers. At the municipal level, most maintenance and upkeep is related to new neighborhoods and other development, but eventually the streets will be designated as municipal. To prepare and provide for these needs, the Town contracts with a private provider and engages a municipal engineer. In addition, the Town partnered with qualified traffic engineers to develop a comprehensive traffic plan.
Law Enforcement - The Town of Pike Road works through a partnership with the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office to provide law enforcement. From regular traffic patrols to investigation service, the Sheriff’s Office has excellent coverage, great response time and a successful track record. The MCSO also provides training for citizens and assists in establishing neighborhood watch programs.
Sanitation - The work of the Town of Pike Road’s partner in sanitation services, AmWaste, is comparable in scope to most municipal offerings in Alabama. AmWaste provides weekly garbage collection and yard waste pickup. They offer state-of-the-art equipment and local customer service. This partnership reduces overall cost by eliminating the need for the Town to own and maintain pickup equipment. Please note: AmWaste has recently updated their Customer Care contact email address to the following: customercare@amwasteusa.com.
Entertainment & Communications - Across the Town of Pike Road, several entertainment and communication service providers offer phone, internet, and television options. AT&T, and Charter, and WOW (formerly Knology), and Troy Cable are available to residents depending on location.
Recycling - Thanks to a grant from the Alabama Recycling Fund and the Alabama Department of Environmental Management, the Town of Pike Road provides recycling receptacles for citizen use. Located at 450 Pike Road, these recycling trailers accept Plastics #1 & #2, Paper, Aluminum and Cardboard. Please click here for Recycling Depot hours. To help the Town continue this service, please refrain from placing garbage in the receptacles, and do not leave any waste on the ground around the receptacles.
Recycling Depot has Reopened
Planning & Building
Planning Regulations
The Town of Pike Road's mission statement is Maintaining Our Character While Planning for Progress. Through careful planning and citizen input, Town leadership is dedicated to sustainable growth that strengthens our entire community. Our currently adopted planning regulations are available to the public through the links below.
*Please note: the Town of Pike Road Police Jurisdiction extends 3 miles outside the municipal limits.
For more information about planning in the Town of Pike Road, or to submit planning and development documents, please click the red button below. You can also contact our Senior Planner, Darrell Rigsby, by emailing drigsby@pikeroad.us or calling 334.272.9883. Click here for Planning Department Forms, Fees & Submission information.
Business & Licensing
Doing Business in the Town of Pike Road
The Town of Pike Road welcomes inquiries and interest from businesses of all sizes. Please see below the basics for licensing and tax compliance, and give us a call at 334.272.9883 or visit Town Hall to connect about opportunities, ideas, and further information. We look forward to working with you as we grow together!
Business License Information
Entities operating or doing any business within the corporate limits of the Town of Pike Road or its *Police Jurisdiction are required to maintain a current Town of Pike Road business license. Business licenses are renewed annually, and once you hold a license, a notice will be sent to your business each year to remind you to renew. To find out the cost of your license, visit Pike Road Town Hall at 9575 Vaughn Road or call (334) 272-9883. The application/renewal form and directions for completing it are available as PDFs through the links below.
2025 Town of Pike Road Business License Application Form (For ALL Businesses)
2025 Town of Pike Road Business License Renewal Form (General)
2025 Town of Pike Road Business License Renewal Form (For Contractors)
*The Town of Pike Road Police Jurisdiction extends 3 miles beyond the corporate limits (municipal limits) of the Town of Pike Road. To view a map of the corporate limits, please click here.
For more information about business licenses in the Town of Pike Road, please contact Sherri Eason by emailing revenue@pikeroad.us or calling 334.272.9883.
Sales Tax Information
Your business’s state, county and city sales, use, lodgings and rental taxes are all paid to and administered by the Alabama Department of Revenue (ADOR). These taxes can be calculated, reported and remitted online at www.revenue.alabama.gov. The website also contains a wealth of other tax-related information. ADOR has service centers throughout the state where representatives can assist you with specific questions. A list of these centers and their contact information can be found on the ADOR website.
Who provides electricity in the Town of Pike Road?Depending on your address, electricity will be provided by one of the following service partners: - Alabama Power Company: (800) 245-2244 // www.alabamapower.com - Dixie Electric Cooperative: (334) 288-1163 // www.dixie.coop
Who provides water services in the Town of Pike Road?Montgomery Water Works: (334) 206-1600 // www.mwwssb.com
Who provides sewer services in the Town of Pike Road?Depending on your address, sewer services will be provided by one of the following service partners: - Adenus: 888-423-3687 // www.adenus.com - Montgomery Water Works: (334) 206-1600 // www.mwwssb.com
Who provides natural gas in the Town of Pike Road?Depending on your address, natural gas will be provided by one of the following service partners: - Spire Energy: (800) 292-4008 // www.spireenergy.com - Southeast Gas: (800) 660-8683 // southeastgas.com
Who provides sanitation services in the Town of Pike Road?AmWaste: (334) 625-1700 // customercare@amwasteusa.com
Who provides entertainment & communications services in the Town of Pike Road?Depending on your address, entertainment & communications services will be provided by one of the following service partners: - AT&T: 844-723-0252 // www.att.com/local/internet/alabama/pike-road - Charter: 1-833-780-1880 // www.spectrum.com/services/alabama/pike-road - Troy Cable: 1-800-735-9546 // www.troycable.net - WOW: 1-855-496-9929 // www.wowway.com
Who should I call in case of an emergency in Pike Road?Pike Road police protection is provided by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office. In case of emergency, the Sheriff’s Office can be reached by dialing 911. For non-emergency situations, call (334) 832-4980. Pike Road enjoys great fire and accident protection provided by the Pike Road, Rolling Hills Lakes and Waugh/Mt.Meigs departments. In case of emergency, the fire stations can be reached by dialing 911. Non-emergency numbers are as follows: Pike Road VFD: (334) 271-1048 Rolling Hills Lakes VFD: (334) 288-7344 Waugh / Mt Meigs VFD: (334) 215-1122
Who manages animal control issues in the Town of Pike Road?Montgomery Humane Society: (334) 409-0622, ext. 208 // www.montgomeryhumane.com
How can I recycle in Pike Road?Recycling is available in the Town of Pike Road through a grant from the Alabama Recycling Fund and the Alabama Department of Environmental Management. We encourage all interested residents to utilize the recycling receptacles located at 450 Pike Road, which are open for use during the following hours: - Opens Tuesdays at 8 a.m. and remains open 24 hours/day until closing at 5 p.m. on Thursday. Acceptable Items include: - Plastics #1 & #2 - Paper - Aluminum - Cardboard These items can be placed in any of the recycling receptacles. It is not necessary to separate your recyclables. To help the Town to continue this service, please refrain from placing garbage in the receptacles, and do not leave any waste on the ground around the receptacles. Please be sure to break down any large cardboard or plastic items before discarding.
How do I dispose of large trash or debris items?The Montgomery County Commission and AmWaste offer free trash drop-off sites throughout the county on the last Saturday of each month. In the Pike Road area, drop-off locations are: Pike Road High School, the Georgia Washington Campus, and the County Lot Office, across from the Feed Lot on Meriwether Road (near the intersection of Meriwether and Pike Roads). For details regarding acceptable and unacceptable drop-off items, contact the Montgomery County Commission Offices at 334-832-1210.
Where is the local library?The Pike Road Branch Library is located in the Pike Road Station complex near the corner of Vaughn and Pike Roads. Learn about the Library and their variety of educational programming by visiting the Pike Road Branch Library on Facebook: facebook.com/PikeRoadBranchLibrary The hours for the library are as follows: - Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Closed for lunch noon - 1:00 p.m.) - Saturday: 9:00 a. m. - 1:00 p.m. For more information, contact the library at (334) 244-8679.
Where is the Pike Road post office?The Pike Road Post Office is located on Pike Road just north of the Vaughn Road intersection. The direct phone number for the Pike Road Post office is (334) 215-0098. The Post Office is open: - Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 11:00am, 12:30pm - 4:00pm - Saturday: 8:00am - 10:00am For information regarding your mail, contact the USPS by calling (800) 275-8777 (ASK-USPS).
How do I register to vote or find my polling place in the Town of Pike Road?Voter registration is handled by the Montgomery County Board of Registrars, located at 100 S. Lawrence St. in Montgomery. Contact their office by calling (334) 832-1215. You can also visit the Secretary of State's website for voter information: www.alabamavotes.gov
How can I be sure my home is zoned for the Pike Road school system?Call Pike Road Town Hall at (334) 272-9883.
What is the sales tax in the Town of Pike Pike Road?The total sales tax in Pike Road is 8.75%, which is a combination of county and state taxes (6.5%) and local sales tax (2.25%).
How can I request public records?Visit our Contact Us page and click the Request Public Records button to access the Public Records Request form. You can also request public records by visiting Town Hall, 9575 Vaughn Rd.
Please help us ensure all businesses are properly licensed. For any business license-related questions, please reach out to Sherri Eason by emailing revenue@pikeroad.us or calling 334-272-9883
This quick-reference guide will be updated as needed and can be found on our website, www.pikeroad.us. Click here to download the above FAQ as a printable PDF.