This group is made up of leaders from local churches who meet regularly to ensure the physical and spiritual needs of Pike Road residents are met in the case of tragedy. Please see below several opportunities to serve through ongoing initiatives in our area, as well as to learn about resources available to our neighbors in need. If you know of any additional resources, please feel free to send us an email at We will continue to update this information as we receive it.
Community Resources & the P.R.A.Y.E.R. Team
Pike Road Area Your Emergency Response, an ENHANCE initiative Committee
May 7, 2020 - Words of Encouragement from the P.R.A.Y.E.R. Team
To celebrate the National Day of Prayer, we invited members of the P.R.A.Y.E.R. Team to share a few words of encouragement and gratitude with our community. View the video above!
Local Churches and Community Resources
Antioch Baptist Church
Phone: (334) 669-2091
Services stream LIVE every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Visit Antioch Baptist online to learn more!
​Brewer Memorial Church
Phone: (334) 318-8712
​Century Church
Phone: (334) 801-9080
Century Church is offering outdoor services (drive-in or bring-your-own outdoor seating), 10 a.m. at The Well, 1001 Marler Rd. You can also join the service virtually by visiting the Century Church Facebook page.
​Christ Community Church
Phone: (334) 273-8110
Services steam LIVE every Sunday at 10 a.m. Visit Christ Community Church online to learn more!​​​
​The Church at Chantilly
Phone: (334) 279-1372
The Church at Pike Road
Phone: (334) 654-4136
Services stream LIVE every Sunday at 10 a.m. Visit the Church at Pike Road online to learn more!
Grace Episcopal Church
Phone: (334) 215-1422 - Call the church office to learn how you can be part of virtual worship services.
Church Office Hours:
Mondays & Tuesdays: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM​
Wednesdays: 9 AM - 12 PM
Know someone who needs food provided, medication picked up, etc.? Contact Charlene Roberson, Benevolence Group Chair, at 334.546.3902! Charlene is also welcoming volunteers to help with this ministry.
​MURDOCK! the Chapel at Pike Road
Phone: (334) 221-2927
The MURDOCK! Team is involved in delivering meals for Meals on Wheels. Contact the church to find out how YOU can participate in this ministry.
​Pike Road Baptist Church
Phone: (770) 815-2755
St. James United Methodist Church
​Phone: (423) 863-3383
St. James is offering outdoor services at 8 a.m., indoor services at 10 a.m., and online services each Sunday.
Community Resources:
The St. James food pantry is currently open to the public from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Monday - Thursday on a drive-up basis. If you or a family you know has need of this service, you are welcome to drive up for assistance during these hours! St. James is accepting clients, volunteers, and donations - to learn more, call the church at (423) 863-3383.
St. James is also working to provide food for the elderly and our neighbors in need. To learn more, please contact Wanda Cleaveland at 334.399.2971.
Recent Activities: Operation Christmas Child. Pack a shoebox to send joy across the world during the holiday season! Contact St. James to learn how YOU can be part of these ministries.
Woodland United Methodist Church
Phone:​ (334) 272-7230
The Woodland UMC Food Pantry service is open every Thursday to assist families experiencing food insecurity in our area. They are accepting new clients, volunteers, and donations! To learn more about the Food Pantry, make a donation, or volunteer your time, please contact Stacy Dickinson: (334) 301-1445 or
Recent Activities:
During the holiday season, Woodland UMC accepts donations of turkeys and canned goods to distribute in addition to normal weeks' food items on Thanksgiving! In addition, the Pike Road Arts Council hosted a Christmas Tree Silent Auction to benefit the Woodland UMC Food Pantry.
Woodland UMC organized volunteers to help deliver food to clients who cannot pick it up, as well as drivers to help youth in need participate in Pike Road Schools' weekday meal program.
This information on this page is updated as we receive it from our P.R.A.Y.E.R. Team members. Please contact the above organizations directly to learn more about their current programs or to discuss resources for needs in our community. If you are aware of additional community resources or would like to become a member of the Pike Road P.R.A.Y.E.R. Team, please feel encouraged to let us know by emailing
Share Your Skills with Alabama ReadyOp
Alabama ReadyOp is a volunteer response system created in partnership between the Governor's Office of Volunteer Services and the Alabama Department of Public Health. This system is designed to work with local, regional, and statewide volunteers to meet the needs of public health and healthcare systems in the event of crises.
From Alabama ReadyOp:
Ready to Volunteer?
Are you a qualified medical professional? Do you want to volunteer but do not have medical training? Go to Alabama ReadyOp to pre-register and prepare to help ensure people affected by a disaster will receive the public health and medical care they need.
Who Can Volunteer?
Anyone can volunteer. Volunteers who do not have any medical training are welcomed and encouraged to register. There is a need for volunteers of all skill types and expertise. GOVS and ADPH values all volunteers, even if you have no specific qualifications other than a willingness to help.
Click here to learn more and register to volunteer with Alabama ReadyOp!
HandsOn River Region & 211
HandsOn River Region coordinates volunteer opportunities, service organizations, and community resources for both those ready to give and those in need of assistance. HandsOn River Region also manages the 2-1-1 information and resource call line, a free service built to connect neighbors in need with health and human service resources available to them. Click here to visit HandsOn River Region and learn more about opportunities for service and services available to help you.
Food Assistance
HandsOn River Region coordinates volunteer opportunities, service organizations, and community resources for both those ready to give and those in need of assistance. HandsOn River Region also manages the 2-1-1 information and resource call line, a free service built to connect neighbors in need with health and human service resources available to them. Click here to visit HandsOn River Region and learn more about opportunities for service and services available to help you.